internet marketing

How to manage your brand’s online reputation ethically?

The digital world is where all the action is taking place! From online marketing, sales to social media networking – a brand has much to do and manage online today than ever. And that’s why the buzz that surrounds a brand has relevance than ever. If your online customers are speaking well about you in their online feedback and reviews then your brand benefits with a stable, reliable and favorable online reputation. On the other hand, if there’s any negative mention, comment or review about your brand that also affects the brand reputation and customer goodwill.


Today, the online world gets characterized by the acute competition! New brands are foraying in s every day. And it has become important more than ever to manage your online reputation, to ensure that your business runs smoothly. For any professional assistance on your online reputation management, you can browse through and learn more. Also, you can implement the following strategies to manage crisis and ensure your brand has a positive reputation.


  1. Use dynamic content to enhance ranking and search traffic

Majority of customer review is positive.  Some brands record as much as 85% of positive reviews and score 4/5 stars on a consistent basis. Hence, the total product rating usually increases with the bulk reviews that it gets. Volume has a role to play in Google algorithms. Therefore, you need to keep the flow of fresh and interesting content on, and you can attain favorable search outcome. Furthermore, word of mouth programs such as product reviews is a potent way to influence search rankings. Also, when you add reviews to the website’s product page, it results in 15% to 25% growth in the search traffic.


  1. Go ahead and embrace in negative feedback

It is not desirable to view any negative feedback about your business. But sometimes, negative feedback can be a blessing in disguise. Negative feedback at times can carry with it important points to improve. For instance, if a customer has written negative feedback about your brand’s poor customer service, instead of defending your brand, it’s always better to accept the negative feedback with grace and look whether there’s an issue with your customer care management team. And if there is you can address the user’s complaint and set the problem at hand correct. It will help you in strengthening your online reputation for the future in a better way.


  1. Generate a positive brand association being responsive

Every time a brand has responded to an audience query, they come into the good books of their audience. Research highlights those online shoppers who saw a brand responding to negative product reviews, ended up buying or showing interest in that product more, than the brands which didn’t answer. Also, when brands react to negative reviews, it maximized the customer product sentiment to a great extent. It helped to generate positive brand associations for customers. And this positive brand association helped customers to completely change their perceptions and start looking upon the brand in an entirely new light. And this helped the brand to add more positivity to their online reputation.


  1. Count on complete transparency for generating a positive reputation

Today, most brands should make use of full transparency concerning any incentives that get provided as an exchange to someone who left feedback on the online forum.  It is perfect to offer rewards and discounts to consumers who give feedback. But it’s also essential to have the same disclosed. According to reports, about 35% of the U.S customers report that they can be extra trusting with the feedback and online reviews when they know that a company had disclosed a particular exchange.


Furthermore, practicing transparency also indicates that brands should even talk about the customer-generated content that gets showcased on websites as well as other online marketing channels. The new age conscious, savvy and skeptical customers today don’t get content with a declaration such as “there’s a filter” to suss out a false online content. Instead, today about 44% of the U.S customers are of the opinion that they would develop increased faith in the reviews when the company offers a formal trust mark in addition to anti-fraud policies.


  1. Have honest and fact driven press releases

One of the critical ways in which brands inform their audience and media about their expansion plans is through press releases. Hence, it is crucial to have these press releases created using authentic and verified company data, facts, and exact company representative quotes. Also, when a company is trying to add a crisis, the first thing to do is issue a press release addressing the issue at hand and then throwing light on it gradually. It will help to enhance the online brand reputation.


In today’s digital age, online brand reputation is an essential aspect that brands need to take charge of. It is essential for every brand to get proactive in promoting a positive brand image, not just in words but also in action. And when you follow the above-discussed strategies, you can gradually witness your brand reputation becoming more positive.