Social Media

Strategies to Boost Email Signups with Instagram Marketing

Marketing is an essential aspect of all kinds of businesses regardless of their size and value. There are certain marketing assets, such as email lists, that can turn out to be the building blocks for your online marketing campaign. Email marketing is mostly complemented with social media marketing channels, and Instagram appears to be the most sought-after platform by most email marketers. Having an email list is a great marketing utility, as it remains unchanged regardless of the transitions in the Google algorithm or in the digital marketing world.

Although it might sound strange, putting the features of Instagram in use can actually do wonders for your email list. Here are some tips to make the process easier for you:

Give the Audience a Strong Reason to Sign up

In general, using Instagram for increasing signups and expanding your email list is not at all different from other social media marketing channels. When it comes to giving the online users a reason to fill the signup form, you need to know their needs and offer them something that will grab their attention and force them to engage with the process and provide their email address. Based on the type of business marketing campaign you are running, you can offer a free trial of your services, a discount code or some unconventional and informative content that your targeted audience would like reading.

Building an Instagram Follower Base

Assuming that now you know how to entice people to sign up for your email form, it is time to focus on creating a follower base for your Instagram business profile. While trying to build a loyal user community base on the visual sharing platform, the only thing you should keep in mind is that you will need an effective content marketing strategy which has the ability to attract your target audience. Depending on the nature of your business, your Instagram content marketing tactic should be sharing images of your products, behind-the-scenes pictures of your company and its workforce, and humorous contents that sit well with your target audience. You can also buy real Instagram likes if you are looking for high visibility on the social media channel.

Direct Your Followers to Fill the Signup Form

In order to direct the social media followers towards the signup form, all you need to do is insert the link of your website in the profile description space of Instagram.

Make Use of Instagram Stories

Thanks to the introduction of Instagram stories, email marketers can now have their moment of peace. By posting your content on Instagram stories along with your website URL, you can urge people to visit your site and fill up the signup form. Generating email list is now relatively smoother with the help of Instagram stories.


As you can see, Instagram can be the ideal social media channel for improving the results of your email marketing campaign. Boost signups for your email lists by adhering to these tips and achieve success in your overall online marketing campaign.