
Discover the Ways to Best Utilize Social Media and SEO Together in 2016

Everyone knows that social media and SEO work hand in hand, but if you ask SEO experts to clarify how these two works together, most of them will fail to provide a solid and informative answer.

Let’s understand one thing first. There is no doubt that social signals affect search ranking, but that does not mean if you compose and share useful content, Google will be impressed. Once you post content on social media networks, your next goal is to promote that content so that it brings the desired search engine optimization results. If you want to amalgamate Social Media with SEO to get the best ranks possible, remember the following factors.

Social signal does not impact directly: Social signal is neither counted by Google, nor do they ignore it. Sharing, likes, tweets, pins and +1 boost your reach organically and help you engage with millions of people who are interested in your brand. When thousands of people start engaging with your content and brand due to social media, world’s most popular search engine starts paying attention to your site.

Only social presence does not boost your rank: There are lots of brand pages on Facebook and Google+, but do all of them rank high on SERP just because of their all encompassing social media presence? Not at all. Informative content, regular posts and audience engagement lead to better visibility and link sharing among the social media users. These links help your site get a top position on SERP.

Social connections matter: Just like people guess about your personality by looking at your friends’ circle; number and quality of fans and followers on social media influence search engine rank. For example, if you own a law firm and almost all the leading attorneys in your country follow your brand page on Facebook, then Google will realize that your businesses must be worth its attention. However, fans and followers must be earned, not bought because use of false profiles to increase fan base will only lead to a penalty from Google. At Walnut Solutions we help you increase your fan base following organic SMO techniques and make sure that your brand gets connected to the leaders of the industry.

Social media is the perfect platform to build backlink profile: Google always suggest SEO professionals to diversify their backlink profile and social media sites offer a great opportunity in terms of link diversification. For example, if you have a product video in your site, you can share it on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter to bring hundreds of genuine, interested visitors to your site.

Social media can’t sell without SEO: Let me explain this in detail. SEO and SMO need to work together in order to generate leads and finally convert a visitor into a buyer. For example, if you own a software development business and someone likes your product video on Google+, he or she will search in Google about your product to know more details. Now, unless you have done the SEO correctly, a product keyword search will either bring no results or may show links from competitor companies who are selling similar software. Thus, it is very crucial to invest in both social media optimization as well as search engine optimization.

Twitter is Google’s new best friend: You must include Twitter in your social media arsenal because Google now displays tweets directly on SERP. So, if you shared a tweet about something that people are searching, there is a high possibility that your tweet may appear with your profile link on SERP.

Use social media and SEO as inbound marketing: Whether you write a guest post for SEO purpose or share a tweet, don’t try to sell anything directly. Do some research to know about the passion of your target audience and the information they are looking for. When you provide useful information and fulfill their needs, they will be naturally interested in your business.

Don’t forget Google My Business and Knowledge Graph: Both Knowledge Graph and Google My Business help Google rank your social media activities and web posts more conveniently. For example, Google My Business creates your business page on Google+ and displays your office/shop location on Google Maps whenever someone types your brand name in Google Search.

You must use the right keywords in your social media posts and links to your web pages whenever necessary to amalgamate SEO with SMO perfectly and help Google push your site ahead of competitors when people search for those keywords.