SEO Expert

Keep learning – The secret of succeeding in SEO

SEO is ever-changing and in the absence of clear knowledge about the working ways of Google algorithms. There is hardly any way to point to methods and techniques that can bring sure success. The variables are just too many – different websites, different audiences, different niches, various competitions, etc. They justify the reason for uncertainty about SEO performance.  Although there are concerns about which strategy works well and which do not. There is one strategy that every marketer can leverage to succeed in SEO across all kinds of businesses – keep learning. The more stay informed and gather knowledge about what is happening in SEO; the better would be your performance. This is how top brands and seasoned marketers stay at the top of the game always.

Adapt the current best practices

Unless you know what is going around and which techniques are giving high SEO dividends.  You will be nowhere near the best practices. Knowing what helps your competitors to do well in certain areas will provide insights. It is about the SEO best practices in your industry niche. This will ensure that you stay current and carefully follow the trends instead of practising some outdated techniques that do not work anymore. Staying tuned with the times will ensure that you discard old habits that once worked but are no more relevant or useful so that you never find yourself left behind.

Spot the changes early

Only continuous education can ensure that you not only go with the flow but also spot the twists and turns that SEO goes through so that you can align your campaign with it. For example, if you look at the SEO changes that happened during 2019, two crucial developments should not escape your attention. The first is the revelation about how Google measures Expertise, Authority and Trust (EAT) and how it impacts ranking. Second is the emergence of zero- result queries and Google’s continuous push for answering queries within the SERP. These are only two of the several changes that happened in 2019.

Staying informed with SEO

You keep learning as you stay attached to it, but for enrichment, you must stay well informed to stimulate your knowledge base. One way of learning is to stay active within the SEO community through collaboration and sharing information. Google’s tactic of veiling SEO algorithms leaves everyone guessing about how it works, and this has, in some way, contributed to bringing the SEO practitioners closer to one another within the community and encouraged sharing and collaboration for improvement.

To tap into community support, you must be active on social media to make your presence felt in the community, and participating in trade shows, and industry events also help.  Moreover, watching and reading online content keeps you closely attached to the community by following the trends.

The SEO industry is well-known for its ability to share knowledge. As there is no dearth of fresh, quality content, there are always opportunities for gathering new information that enriches your understanding. In the process, you stay way ahead of others in implementing the best practices that give a cutting edge in competition.