SEO News

Search Engine Optimization Mistakes You Should Avoid in 2018

Avoid seo mistakes

As the years come and go, so do the trends of search engine optimization. If you are familiar SEO and other digital marketing strategies, then you know for a fact that search engine optimization has evolved tremendously over the past few years. However, what most people fail to understand is that such changes also affect the way search engines like Google and Yahoo rank websites.

And it is failure to acknowledge this that gives website owners a difficult time trying to reach their set objectives. Truth is, with so much competition out there, every website owner deserves a fair chance to market their site or products. So, if you want to make a difference and reach your objectives in 2018, here are some common SEO mistakes that you MUST avoid.

  • Disregarding the power of keywords – Since the beginning of SEO, keywords have and will continue to play a major role in your website optimization.A mistake that most SEO users make is building their websites around keywords that are not even relevant to their sites. In 2018, you should avoid this mistake and make it your job to build your website around keywords that are unique and relevant.
  • Keyword abuse or spamming – Remember the saying; ‘Too much of everything is poisonous’? This is exactly the case with use of keywords. Using one keyword too many times will come out as keyword abuse or spamming, a mistake that does not sit well with search engines. According to Amani Advantage, mentioning your keywords more than 3 times in your articles or web content will not do you any good. So, this year, ensure that you mention your keywords at most once or twice in a single post just like the search engine algorithms require.
  • Generating the wrong content –When it comes to generating web content, the rule of thumb is to make it unique, simple and relevant. Content is key, remember? Even with SEO practices changing from time to time, the content that you create will either make or kill your SEO objectives. So, in 2018, stop focusing on content that is not relevant but focus more on what is relevant, informative, persuasive and unique. This will wow your audience and at the same time boost your chances of getting a good search engine ranking.
  • Cheating the search engine algorithms – This is nothing new to the world of SEO. Some website owners have been caught using illegal strategies to trick the search engine algorithms. Although it will seem like a good thing in the beginning, you can rest assured that it will come back to bite you in the long run. In fact, this kind of cheating might get your website or blog banned for good. Ignore the temptation of taking short cuts and create content, find the right keywords, build links, get traffic and be ranked the legit way.

Search engine optimization is a strategy that is meant to increase your online visibility and generate more traffic to your site. It is therefore important for you to stick to the set SEO rules and guidelines if you want your website or blog to grow.