SEO News

7 SEO Trends That You Should Expect In 2019

The end of the year is a time for reflection, celebration and planning. If you would like your business to achieve better success in 2019, then this is the right time to start developing new strategies. Many companies are now using SEO to boost sales through online marketing. However, you should be aware that the SEO world is very dynamic. New strategies, algorithms and features are being developed each day. What was once highly effective can easily become outdated within a few years. Thus, if you want to improve your site’s ranking, then you must always be informed on the latest trends in the SEO industry. By hiring an SEO expert, you will be able to get an insider’s look of the latest strategies and methods which you can employ in order to boost your SERPs rankings. Here are some trends that you should watch out for in 2019:

  1. The rise and rise of video content

Video content continues to be a big hit among internet users. The younger generation are especially attracted to high-quality and creative video content that captures their attention. If you would like to get more online traffic, then you need to seriously start investing in video content. Written content only appeals to the visual learners while video content appeals to both visual and auditory leaners. Thus, video content will resonate with a larger percentage of the audience thereby leading to more conversions and more sales.

  1. Digital assistants

Smartphone makers are constantly looking for new ways to improve usability of their devices. One of the latest developments is digital assistants such as Siri, Cortana and Google Now. These voice-controlled programs allow the user to enjoy a swipe-free experience with maximum convenience. Thus, you should ensure that your SEO content is easily searchable using various digital assistants.

  1. Long Form Content

The current generation has been labelled the ‘Microwave generation’ due to their tendency of always wanting instant results. This notion has led many SEO content creators to believe that their readers will always prefer shorter content when compared to long-form content. However, this isn’t necessarily true. According to recent research, websites with longer posts (approximately 1000 words or more) tend to have higher engagement and better rankings when compared to sites with shorter posts (approximately 400 words). Thus, you should examine your SEO content and ensure that you are having diverse posts with varied lengths so that your content can appeal to all types of readers.

  1. Mobile Optimization

When seated at a bus stop or on a train, it’s almost impossible nowadays to see someone who isn’t busy scrolling on their phone. It’s safe to say that smartphone era is here to stay. Thus, you need to ensure that all your web content is fully optimized for mobile users. A qualified SEO professional will be able to design an excellent website that is mobile-optimized and fully responsive. This will give your readers a great user experience thereby ensuring that they come back to your website again and again.

  1. Social media content

Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate and relate with the world around us. As a business enterprise, you need to understand the important role of social media marketing in your SEO strategy. First of all, you should ensure that you business has an active account on the mainstream social media platforms. Secondly, you should hire someone to regularly update your social media so that your business can remain visible and relevant.

  1. Local SEO

In order to make sure that local buyers know about your business, you will need to invest in local SEO. This will increase foot traffic to your business. Every SEO marketer should do their best to utilize the power of local SEO to improve sales.

  1. Sharing is Caring

If you observe various social media platforms, you will notice that people enjoy sharing online content with their followers and friends on social media. This is a new form of word-of-mouth advertising which can help to improve sales. Thus, you should always create content that can easily be shared on various social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter.