
Are You Using These 5 Features of Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is one of the most powerful and resourceful web analytics tools in the world. It is used by millions of webmasters everyday to measure the performance of their SEO strategies. Great thing about Analytics is that not only it helps you measure conversions and sales, but you can also understand how web users surf your site, which pages they like the most and much more.

Since it offers tons of features, newbie webmasters often miss some of them and fail to utilize Google Analytics properly. Today, I will talk about some of the less used, but highly useful features of Google Analytics.

More Than One View Is Necessary: When you have only one view in Google Analytic, you may witness discrepancy in data due to wrong configuration of filters. Instead, you should create 2 views, namely, unfiltered view and test view. The “unfiltered view” will offer you raw data when you don’t apply any filters and in the “test view” you can use filters and change the configurations to analyze the data important for your business.

Utilize Demographic and Interest Report: Most webmasters fail to realize the true potential of this report. When you check the Demographic and Interest Report, you can learn which gender is finding your website useful and the age group responsible for maximum Click through Rate. Such valuable data can be used for restructuring the marketing campaign to boost conversion rate.

Event Tracking Is a Must: There are many user events that Google Analytics does not track by default, but using Event Tracking, you can track such metrics. For example, you can track the total number of clicks on the download button or social media share icons. Every site has a goal and event tracking helps you fulfill your goal. For instance, if your target is to sell an ebook to 20 customers per day, then Event Tracking can inform you whether 20 people clicked on the “download ebook” button or not.

Use the Benchmarking Report: This report provides valuable information such as how your site is performing compared to others in the same niche and in what areas your site is performing better or may soon perform better than competitor sites.

Mobile Users Percentage Tracking: When millions of people are accessing sites using smartphones from all over the world, it is important to know the amount of mobile traffic your site is attracting. This Google Analytics report simply tells you the percentage of your mobile traffic. For example, if total number of site visits across devices is 1000 and mobile users account for 100, then the report will show 10% mobile users.

So, which of these 5 features of Google Analytics have you heard for the first time? Tell us the improvements you have witnessed in your SEO campaign after using these features and reports.