SEO Company

Understanding the Different Types of SEO Strategies Used by an SEO Company 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a vital part of any online marketing strategy, and there are many different types of SEO strategies that can be employed by an SEO company.

In this article we’ll take a look at the various approaches used to improve website rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).

On-Page Strategies:

On-page strategies involve optimizing elements on your actual page or site. This includes elements such as content optimization, keyword research, Meta tags, titles, headings and more. These techniques help ensure that your webpages are optimized for both humans and search engine bots so they can be easily found and indexed correctly.

Off-Page Strategies:

Off-page SEO involves optimizing elements outside of your website. This includes link building, social media marketing, content creation and other activities that help improve the overall visibility of your website. It’s important to note that off-page SEO can be a long process and is not something that will show results overnight.

Technical Strategies:

Technical SEO involves making improvements to the technical aspects of your website and ensuring it is optimized for search engine crawlers. This includes things like page speed, site security, indexing protocols, structured data and more. Technical optimization helps make sure that bots are able to crawl and index your webpages accurately so they can be displayed in SERPs.

Local Strategies:

Local SEO focuses on improving your visibility in local searches. This includes optimizing your website for particular regions and cities, setting up business profiles on local directories, developing content that is tailored to a specific location and more. Local SEO is important if you want to target customers who are searching for products or services within their area.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a crucial part of digital marketing, and it’s the process used to optimize websites in order to make them appear higher in search engine results. SEO strategies help businesses reach their target audiences more effectively and generate more leads. As such, there are many different types of SEO strategies that an SEO company can use to help improve a website’s ranking – but what exactly are these strategies?

On-Page Optimization:

The first type of strategy used by an SEO company is on-page optimization. This involves making sure that all elements on a webpage – including titles, keywords, meta tags, descriptions, images and content – are optimized for search engines. On-page optimization also includes optimizing the website’s internal structure, creating a sitemap and improving page loading speed.

Off-Page Optimization:

The second type of SEO strategy is off-page optimization. This involves activities such as link building – where other websites are linked to your own in order to improve its search engine ranking – and social media marketing, which helps to increase online visibility for the website. Additionally, off-page optimization can include press release distribution, blog commenting and forum participation.

Technical SEO:

The third type of SEO strategy is technical SEO. This involves making sure that a website has no technical issues that could prevent it from being indexed by search engines, such as broken links or crawl errors. Additionally, technical SEO includes improving website structure and making sure that it is easily navigable by search engine crawlers.

Local SEO:

The fourth type of SEO strategy is local SEO, which focuses on optimizing websites for queries related to a specific location or region. This involves activities such as creating business profiles on local directories, setting up Google My Business accounts and using geo-targeted keywords to rank higher in localized searches.

Content Marketing:

Finally, content marketing is an important type of SEO strategy used by many SEO companies today. Content marketing involves creating high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience and optimized for search engines. This content can be published on your own website or other websites, such as blogs and social media platforms, in order to generate more visitors.


By understanding the different types of SEO strategies used by an SEO company, businesses can gain a better understanding of what it takes to improve their search engine rankings. With the right SEO strategy, businesses can reach their target audiences more effectively and generate more leads from organic traffic.