Blog SEO Expert

5 Invaluable Techniques Your SEO Expert Needs to Use

Is your SEO campaign generating more leads? If your answer is no, it is time to capitalize on the expertise of a search engine optimization expert. These professionals have the prerequisite technical skills and experience to ensure your online marketing program works seamlessly.

With over 12 billion searches being done online every month in the U.S, it is obvious you need to be visible to stay ahead of the competition. High search engine ranking is crucial and it is time to start looking for an SEO specialist.

Some of the innovative techniques these experts are using today include:

  1. Site framework auditing: Most websites fail to leave a mark because they are poorly designed. Your SEO expert will closely examine the site’s performance before setting out goals for repairing it. Some of the technical areas to be observed include the URL structure, performance, heading tags and keywords.
  2. Keyword reviews: Due to the updates on Google algorithms, it is time to tweak your keywords to remain ahead. Long-tail keywords are the in-thing in order to give more specific content based on their queries. They can use Google AdWords keyword among other tools found online.
  3. Overall on-page optimization: While your SEO consultant will already have audited the site, it is important to focus on areas that make navigation easier for users. Some areas to consider include Meta tags, URL, Meta descriptions, page titles, keyword density, images and quality of links.
  4. Mobile optimization: If your website is not mobile friendly, you risk penalties from Google. Indeed, most internet users are accessing using mobile devices. A reliable SEO specialist must focus on mobile usability and responsiveness. While this is not currently a factor in Google ranking, you need to consider the value it adds to a user’s online experience.
  5. Innovative content: If you want to draw traffic to your website, make sure you ask your consultant to use high quality content. With research showing video clips are the most popular form of content; the expert must help you create eye catching videos in order to improve your ranking on SERPs for your targeted keywords.

There is a myriad of other techniques but your SEO campaign should always leverage users’ data in order to come up with an effective online marketing strategy.